Specialists in Spanish Probate Law and Estate Planning 

We specialize in inheritance law as it relates to Spain. A connection with Spain may arise, for instance, if the testator was a Spanish citizen, if the testator or transferee had a (tax) domicile in Spain or if the estate is located partially or completely in Spain. Our offices are staffed with Spanish and international attorneys that are competent in Spanish. Our attorneys in Spain are part of an integrated team of legal professionals that spans many countries of the world. We consult with a view towards the overall tax and civil law situation. This is particularly important for tax issues; and, in disputed matters or matters with a foreign domicile, knowledge of several legal systems can be essential. Our services include:

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We look forward to assisting you. For the sake of simplicity and efficiency, we request that you use our contact form for your inquiry and describe the matter as clearly as possible. In addition, you can include relevant attachments. After submitting your inquiry, we will contact you either by telephone or e-mail within 2 working days. If we can assist, we will suggest a time and date for an initial consultation. Of course, you can also contact this firm or a particular attorney directly to make an appointment for a personal consultation or telephone consultation (find contact details here). Please be advised that no attorney-client relationship is created by sending us an email or filling out this contact form. For information on our fees, please click here.

Upon request, we offer consultation via Zoom. For general information on how to join an instant meeting through an email invite, please visit the Zoom website


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