Representation in contentious proceedings in German-Canadian Inheritance Matters

We also represent many clients residing in Canada or Germany in legal proceedings in Germany with connections to Canada.


Our services include in particular

  • Representation in contentious proceedings concerning the issuance of a certificate of inheritance or certificate of executorship;
  • Expert opinions on Canadian inheritance law (e.g. Ontario, British Columbia), e.g. on legal succession or on the recognition of a Canadian will in Germany;
  • Expert opinions on the applicable inheritance law (international private law);
  • Claims for payment of the statutory share with connections to Canada;
  • Claims for surrender after contesting a will (e.g. due to incapacity to make a will);
  • Claims for determining heirs;
  • Procedures for dismissing the executor.

Consultation locations and remote consultation

We provide personal advice in Berlin. Otherwise, we provide advice via remote communication means (Zoom, telephone, e-mail) throughout Germany. In most cases, this is completely sufficient to deal with our clients' concerns. If we think that personal advice makes sense, we will tell you!